I've decided to try and mesh my two sides into one blog. I won't be posting here for the foreseeable future. If you want to keep up with me, you can catch me on my other blog.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
lack of posting
Well, I'm thinking about doing away with this blog...again. I seem to be spending most of my time on the other blog. It just seems that I have very little to say of a "witchy" nature lately. There is so much going on that I find myself not posting much at all.
In addition to working on a big home remodel that involves packing out everything in my house, I'm also in the process of expanding my little side business. I have finally purchased a domain and am working on the website. I'm also preparing goods to be sold at a 'shop local fair' that is coming up in July.
I took the day off today and have been working on some of these projects. I cleaned out my bedroom closet today. I ended up with half the clothes in bags to take to Goodwill. I've still got to sort through the shoes, but should be done soon. Then I'll get to work on a new knitting project. I'm making a baby blanket for my sister in law's sister's new baby. Her shower is in a month but the baby isn't due until August. I'm hoping I'll get the blanket done by the shower...but we'll see.
I still on the fence about closing this blog. When I set it up originally, I had grand ideas of it being a witchy, spiritual site, but it didn't work out that way. I guess I'll leave it until things settle down later this summer. I'll post when I can and hope that you won't all get bored with my lack of new posts.
In addition to working on a big home remodel that involves packing out everything in my house, I'm also in the process of expanding my little side business. I have finally purchased a domain and am working on the website. I'm also preparing goods to be sold at a 'shop local fair' that is coming up in July.
I took the day off today and have been working on some of these projects. I cleaned out my bedroom closet today. I ended up with half the clothes in bags to take to Goodwill. I've still got to sort through the shoes, but should be done soon. Then I'll get to work on a new knitting project. I'm making a baby blanket for my sister in law's sister's new baby. Her shower is in a month but the baby isn't due until August. I'm hoping I'll get the blanket done by the shower...but we'll see.
I still on the fence about closing this blog. When I set it up originally, I had grand ideas of it being a witchy, spiritual site, but it didn't work out that way. I guess I'll leave it until things settle down later this summer. I'll post when I can and hope that you won't all get bored with my lack of new posts.
Monday, May 25, 2009
I found the below to be particularly interesting this morning when I opened my inbox. I am off to spend the day with family members that I would rather avoid. Several I utterly despise and many I just wish to not associate with. I'll have to pay careful attention to the day and my reactions to these people.
From: The Daily Om
May 25, 2009
The Start of Change
Breaking Family Cycles
It is easy to believe that in leaving our childhood homes and embarking upon the journey of adulthood, we have effectively removed ourselves from harmful and self-perpetuating familial patterns. In looking closely at ourselves, however, we may discover that our behaviors and beliefs are still those that were impressed upon us during our youth by our parents, grandparents, and the generations that preceded them. We may find ourselves unconsciously perpetuating cycles of the previous generations, such as fear of having enough, not showing affection, and secrecy patterns. Yet the transmission of negative patterns from one generation to the next is not inevitable. It is possible to become the endpoint at which negative family cycles that have thrived for generations are exhausted and can exert their influence no longer. Breaking the pattern is a matter of overcoming those values imprinted upon us long ago in order to replace them with pure love, tolerance, and conscious awareness.
Even if you have struggled with the cumulative effects of family cycles that were an expression of established modes of living and a reflection of the strife your ancestors were forced to endure, you can still liberate yourself from the effects of your family history. The will to divest yourself of old, dark forms of familial energy and carry forth a new loving energy may come in the form of an epiphany. You may one day simply realize that certain aspects of your early life have negatively affected your health, happiness, and ability to evolve as an individual. Or you may find that in order to transcend long-standing patterns of limiting beliefs, irrational behavior, and emotional stiltedness, you have to question your values and earnestly examine how your family has impacted your personality. Only when you understand how family cycles have influenced you can you gain freedom from those cycles.
In order to truly change, you must give yourself permission to change. Breaking family patterns is in no way an act of defiance or betrayal. It is important that you trust yourself implicitly when determining the behaviors and beliefs that will help you overwrite the generation-based cyclical value system that limited your individual potential. Many people are on the earth at this time to break family cycles, for all of you are true pioneers. In breaking negative family cycles, you will discover that your ability to express your feelings and needs grows exponentially and that you will embark upon a journey toward greater well-being that can positively impact generations to come.
From: The Daily Om
May 25, 2009
The Start of Change
Breaking Family Cycles
It is easy to believe that in leaving our childhood homes and embarking upon the journey of adulthood, we have effectively removed ourselves from harmful and self-perpetuating familial patterns. In looking closely at ourselves, however, we may discover that our behaviors and beliefs are still those that were impressed upon us during our youth by our parents, grandparents, and the generations that preceded them. We may find ourselves unconsciously perpetuating cycles of the previous generations, such as fear of having enough, not showing affection, and secrecy patterns. Yet the transmission of negative patterns from one generation to the next is not inevitable. It is possible to become the endpoint at which negative family cycles that have thrived for generations are exhausted and can exert their influence no longer. Breaking the pattern is a matter of overcoming those values imprinted upon us long ago in order to replace them with pure love, tolerance, and conscious awareness.
Even if you have struggled with the cumulative effects of family cycles that were an expression of established modes of living and a reflection of the strife your ancestors were forced to endure, you can still liberate yourself from the effects of your family history. The will to divest yourself of old, dark forms of familial energy and carry forth a new loving energy may come in the form of an epiphany. You may one day simply realize that certain aspects of your early life have negatively affected your health, happiness, and ability to evolve as an individual. Or you may find that in order to transcend long-standing patterns of limiting beliefs, irrational behavior, and emotional stiltedness, you have to question your values and earnestly examine how your family has impacted your personality. Only when you understand how family cycles have influenced you can you gain freedom from those cycles.
In order to truly change, you must give yourself permission to change. Breaking family patterns is in no way an act of defiance or betrayal. It is important that you trust yourself implicitly when determining the behaviors and beliefs that will help you overwrite the generation-based cyclical value system that limited your individual potential. Many people are on the earth at this time to break family cycles, for all of you are true pioneers. In breaking negative family cycles, you will discover that your ability to express your feelings and needs grows exponentially and that you will embark upon a journey toward greater well-being that can positively impact generations to come.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Wise Woman Ways
This year I signed up to take a course about wise woman healing. It is an apprenticeship type course, where we meet once a month for nine months. This year is part one of the course and there are two more years after this one.
Today was class number 4 and we made motherwort tinctures and st. joan's wort oils. I am having a wonderful time with this course. We have been shown how to make tinctures, oils, decoctions, infusions and balms/ointments. I've been introduced to plants I've not come in contact with before, like stinging nettle (it really deserves that name too). I've also been introduced to permaculture gardening, which is something I'm going to have to research.
I've been adding to my herbal garden, finding plants like stinging nettle, joy pye weed (also known as gravel root), anise hyssop, holy basil, self-heal, job's tears, calendula and comfrey. It's been fun adding plants of both medicinal and magical uses.
All these plants are of course causing me to spend most of my time in the gardens. If the weather is not bad and the sun is still shining, I'm to be found in the garden. I still have lots to plant and lots of sections to clear out before I can plant. It is good for me, it helps me exercise, it allows me to work out some frustrations (pulling up and clearing out sections) but best of all, it helps me to reconnect to nature and the earth.
I'm not sure that I want to become an herbalist, but I think that the things I'm learning will help to make me a better witch. :-)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
altars and herbs
On my other blog, I participate in the Photo Hunters project. This weeks topic was "Protect(ion)". After giving some thought to what I would like to photograph, I decided to use my protection altar for the shot. After taking a photo, I ended up taking photos of several of my altars.
I have several altars setup in my home. Each one is important to me and is used for various things, including rootwork/conjure jobs, witchcraft spells, and honoring ancestors or various Lwa.
Here is a peak at several of my altars...

blessing altar

enemy altar

an altar for Maman Bridgette - this photo is from last summer and the altar has changed a lot. i guess i need a more recent photo...

this altar is for Ayida Wedo
I have more altars than these. I have a money altar, my main altar and an ancestor altar. I also keep a St. Michael candle burning in my kitchen window (it faces THE neighbor's house) and have a St. Michael card there so it could be considered a small protection altar.
This week there were several herb sales around the area. Normally I go to the two big sales, but this year I just went to the one at our local farmers market. I really racked up on plants. :-)

I got several very cool plants of the medicinal/magical variety. I bought Holy Basil, Joe Pye Weed (also known as Queen of the Meadow or Gravel Root), Purple Coneflower, Self-Heal, Russian Comfrey, Foxglove, Calendula, Anise Hyssop, Lemon Verbena, Bay Tree, Pennyroyal, Blue Vervain. I also bought Parsley, Italian Basil, Oregano and Cilantro.
So, does anyone else grow their own magical/medicinal herbs or have altars set up in their home?
I have several altars setup in my home. Each one is important to me and is used for various things, including rootwork/conjure jobs, witchcraft spells, and honoring ancestors or various Lwa.
Here is a peak at several of my altars...
blessing altar
enemy altar
an altar for Maman Bridgette - this photo is from last summer and the altar has changed a lot. i guess i need a more recent photo...
this altar is for Ayida Wedo
I have more altars than these. I have a money altar, my main altar and an ancestor altar. I also keep a St. Michael candle burning in my kitchen window (it faces THE neighbor's house) and have a St. Michael card there so it could be considered a small protection altar.
This week there were several herb sales around the area. Normally I go to the two big sales, but this year I just went to the one at our local farmers market. I really racked up on plants. :-)
I got several very cool plants of the medicinal/magical variety. I bought Holy Basil, Joe Pye Weed (also known as Queen of the Meadow or Gravel Root), Purple Coneflower, Self-Heal, Russian Comfrey, Foxglove, Calendula, Anise Hyssop, Lemon Verbena, Bay Tree, Pennyroyal, Blue Vervain. I also bought Parsley, Italian Basil, Oregano and Cilantro.
So, does anyone else grow their own magical/medicinal herbs or have altars set up in their home?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
i've been away too long...
It's been a long month. Lots of work happening around my home and lots on the spiritual front. I've spent a bit of time helping a friend and her family remove a negative entity from their home. This is something I've done before, but it had been a really long time. It required me to spend a lot of time in contact with the spirits and entities that hang around.
Most of the time, I try to block all of that out (and usually end up with migraines). Sometimes I just open myself up and observe or absorb everything around me, and sometimes they just take over.
I've done a lot of work on this project and also another project helping someone else. I really can't give a lot of details. I don't want to say anything that would get to the wrong people. I can say it went really well and the family feels much more comfortable in their home now.
I've also been taking an herbal medicine making course. I can't remember if I've mentioned it before. It is a nine month apprenticeship course. It is really three years, but I only signed up for the first year, so far. It has been very interesting. We've learned how to make balms, tinctures, infusions. This months class we made a meal using herbs and wild plants. It was surprisingly good.
Oh, I finally have some pictures of some new projects I've been working on. I made a few memory wire bracelets and took them to my friends shop. It was the first time I'd made anything like this, except for one I made for myself. I really like the way they turned out.

This one is made with Sodalite and Hematite.



The other day when I was in the shop, they said they had sold one, so that is good. I have some other jewelry designs I want to work on, I just haven't had a chance to sit down and work on them.
I've also been dealing the feelings and emotions left from a very intense dream that I had last week. This dream left me shaking for days. I discussed it with a friend, she's really good at dream analysis, but this one had her asking questions I wasn't expecting and making me examine a lot of my thoughts and notions about my life.
Well, that is a brief rundown of what I've been doing.
Most of the time, I try to block all of that out (and usually end up with migraines). Sometimes I just open myself up and observe or absorb everything around me, and sometimes they just take over.
I've done a lot of work on this project and also another project helping someone else. I really can't give a lot of details. I don't want to say anything that would get to the wrong people. I can say it went really well and the family feels much more comfortable in their home now.
I've also been taking an herbal medicine making course. I can't remember if I've mentioned it before. It is a nine month apprenticeship course. It is really three years, but I only signed up for the first year, so far. It has been very interesting. We've learned how to make balms, tinctures, infusions. This months class we made a meal using herbs and wild plants. It was surprisingly good.
Oh, I finally have some pictures of some new projects I've been working on. I made a few memory wire bracelets and took them to my friends shop. It was the first time I'd made anything like this, except for one I made for myself. I really like the way they turned out.
This one is made with Sodalite and Hematite.
The other day when I was in the shop, they said they had sold one, so that is good. I have some other jewelry designs I want to work on, I just haven't had a chance to sit down and work on them.
I've also been dealing the feelings and emotions left from a very intense dream that I had last week. This dream left me shaking for days. I discussed it with a friend, she's really good at dream analysis, but this one had her asking questions I wasn't expecting and making me examine a lot of my thoughts and notions about my life.
Well, that is a brief rundown of what I've been doing.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ostara... the first day of spring. The natural world is fresh and new as it emerges from the winter sleep. To me, it is a time of growth, renewal... a chance to start fresh or explore something new.

I have been very busy this week and also full of inspiration and ideas. I've made a few things that I'll take to my friends shop tomorrow. Hopefully she will think they are appropriate to sell in her shop. If not, I have other ideas. I've been looking into opening an Etsy shop. I haven't decided yet if I will, but the idea is interesting.
This past week has been a time of purging for me. I've been cleaning and organizing things in my home, getting rid of things that no longer serve or that I never really wanted to begin with. I've taken stock of my oils and herbs, organizing them and grouping them in a more useful manner. I'm finding myself using them more lately and intend for that to continue and increase.
Happy Ostara, everyone. May the spring bring you a renewed sense of purpose in all that you are and want.

I have been very busy this week and also full of inspiration and ideas. I've made a few things that I'll take to my friends shop tomorrow. Hopefully she will think they are appropriate to sell in her shop. If not, I have other ideas. I've been looking into opening an Etsy shop. I haven't decided yet if I will, but the idea is interesting.
This past week has been a time of purging for me. I've been cleaning and organizing things in my home, getting rid of things that no longer serve or that I never really wanted to begin with. I've taken stock of my oils and herbs, organizing them and grouping them in a more useful manner. I'm finding myself using them more lately and intend for that to continue and increase.
Happy Ostara, everyone. May the spring bring you a renewed sense of purpose in all that you are and want.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Happy Friday the 13th!
Does the thought of the 13th day of a month falling on a Friday make you want to stay home, under the covers, hiding until the day is over? If so, you may suffer from Paraskevadecatriaphobia?
Don't be afraid! It is just a normal day, like any other.
Today is the second Friday the 13th of 2009. There was one last month and there will be a third in November. Personally, I love Friday the 13th. I've always seemed to have good luck or no bad luck on these days and so I never developed the fear everyone else seems to have.
So, get up, get out and enjoy your day!
Don't be afraid! It is just a normal day, like any other.
Today is the second Friday the 13th of 2009. There was one last month and there will be a third in November. Personally, I love Friday the 13th. I've always seemed to have good luck or no bad luck on these days and so I never developed the fear everyone else seems to have.
So, get up, get out and enjoy your day!
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