Saturday, June 07, 2008

Why... oh why... it so FREAKING HOT?!?!?

I swear I can barely move it is so hot. I went out this morning around 6 and it was already almost 80 degrees. I hope this is not a sign of what the summer is going to be like. If it is, I'll be spending a lot of time inside. :-)

This time next Saturday I'll be arriving in the Outer Banks for a weeks vacation. I am so excited about it! A week away from work and 8 days at the ocean. I'll be on the beach for both the full moon and the summer solstice. I'm trying to get a list together of the things I will need for "ritual" while I'm there. This is a family vacation and my family are all southern baptists so any ritual will have to be disguised or hidden quietly. Oh well, I'll get some time alone on the sand and that should be good. The weather forecast for the week we are there looks perfect. Oh, I can't wait!


1 comment:

Ohjeeze said...

Oh, man... have a great time. This is my last day of vacation, I didn't go anywhere. But I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.