I've been working diligently on second socks. This is my second pair of socks, I started last year after I took the sock class, but had trouble remembering what to do and so put them away. Last week I started the sock class again and each night have been working on the socks.
Here is where I stand now...

I completed sock 1 and started sock 2. I'm so excited. It seems so much easier than it was last year. I think that somewhere in the dregs of my brain, the memories from last year's class are coming back and so it all is very familiar when I read the pattern and work it.
Hopefully with a few days of cold mountain air, I'll be sitting by the fire watching football, basketball and knitting. Maybe even get my sock 2 to the toe position for last class on Tuesday night. :-)
Oh, if you'd like to read about the surprise I had this morning, come visit me