Monday, May 08, 2006 Never...

I haven't posted in quite a while. Mainly I haven't had much to say. I've been sick and have been trying to figure out what is wrong with me. Based on my symptoms, I'm beginning to worry. I should find out something in a few weeks, but until then I just do what I do best...worry. You know how sometimes you just have a 'sixth sense' about things? How you just KNOW? I feel that way. I'm worrying that it has come back. Somewhere inside me I know it is back. I don't know what I'll do if it is. Most people would think I had it easy the first time. Maybe I did...but it doesn't mean I didn't loose a lot. I lost more than I can bear sometimes. I think when it was happening, I was in denial or something. I didn't really react at all. It was like nothing was wrong at all. Sometimes it hits me, when I see a new baby or hear a cry. Especially when I see a pregnant woman. Then it really hits hard...
Sometimes I almost wish it had been worse...that I had gone with it when they took it. When they took it, I knew it would come back. I knew it wasn't the end.

Well, the test is Wednesday...then a few weeks from that I'll get the results. I guess I just wait and see.

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