Thursday, November 30, 2006


So sleepy... I stayed up late last night to watch the UNC/Ohio St game and was extremely pleased with the outcome and very happy that I stayed awake! Go HEELS! :-)

Needless to say, I'm pretty tired this morning. I didn't get much done last night as far as housework and knitting, but I did get Decembers bills paid. Yay! I'm very hungry right now, but we are going to lunch at a Japanese restaurant for lunch and I don't want to snack and ruin my appetite. Tonight I'm going to a friend's for dinner with her and her family. I'm looking forward to it as I don't get to see her very much and she is a great person to spend time with. :-)
I'm also taking her a few hard to find "supplies" that I have that she needs for a spell she is working on.

Tomorrow I begin another session of wreath making. I have been requested to make several of the mini's (they seem to be selling well) and I want to make a Yule wreath and a Tarot wreath. I hadn't realized where we were in the moon phases. It just passes so fast and then before I know it it's the Full Moon.

Anywho, I'll be busy with wreaths this weekend and also want to come up with a charm or spell to put on my new rings that I received. They are family heirlooms and I want to charm them to protect them. Then there is the usual family stuff and also helping my mum get her holiday tree and get it decorated. I still can't decide if I'm going to put up a yule tree or even decorate for the holidays. I'm so bah humbug right now. :-(

Better run and get some work done before time for lunch. Wish it would hurry because I'm hungry!


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Halfway to Friday...

It is almost weekend time again. Last weekend was so busy, even for a long weekend, that I felt like I never had a break. So I am really looking forward to this weekend. I don't know as it will be a calm weekend, but it can't possibly be as busy as the last one.

I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving weekend. I've been reading the blogs and catching up and it sounds like it was good. I usually put my yule decorations out right after thanksgiving so that I can enjoy them for a good while, however...the temps here have been in the 70's all week and that is just ridiculous! I can't stand it! It is two days before december and it is 70? WTF?
Needless to say, with all the heat, I'm just not into the whole holiday spirit. Nary a decoration has been set up at my home and I'm seriously contenplating not putting any up at all. :-(

No knitting has been accomplished but I did see a few movies. Nothing worth mentioning here though. Today is soup day for lunch...bleh. I really want something good, but must keep control of the finances.

Alright, I'm going to get some work done now.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Busy week

It has been such a busy week, especially for a short one. Work was kind of busy the last few days but today was slow with nothing going on. We were allowed to leave early in celebration of the holidays. Last night I went shopping with Mum to buy our groceries for our Thanksgiving feast. We are having our meal on Friday instead of Thursday this year. You wouldn't believe how much money we spent at the grocers.

Today I went and picked up my rings from the jewelers. I had taken 3 rings in last week, all to be sized and two to be appraised. I'm so happy to have them back! One is my paternal grandmothers wedding band, one is my great-aunt's (on maternal side) engagement ring and the third is my maternal grandmother's engagement ring.

I'm leaving in a few minutes to go to Bravo! Italiana Cuisine. I haven't been there before, but am really looking forward to it. I've been craving fetuccini alfredo for weeks now. Hopefully I'll get it tonight! This is my thanksgiving with my dad. We usually go out someplace for an "ethnic" thanksgiving. This year it is Italian. Last year I think it was either Italian or Asian and the year before was Mexican. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. The restaurant is new to this area and I've heard great reviews. I just wish it would stop raining before I head out.

Tomorrow my mum and I will take my Grandmother out for lunch and then start our prep for the Friday feast. Saturday I'm visiting with my cousins that are spending the night. I'm hoping to have the kids help me make christmas cookies.

Okay, I've rambled enough. Let me run now and get ready for food! :-)

Maybe I can knit when I get home while I watch the tarheels basketball game. Go Heels!


Friday, November 17, 2006

What Tarot card am I?

You are The Lovers

Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.

The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.

Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Slow day at the office...

I was so bored today. The day was long and there were no projects to work on. I spent most of the afternoon reading the latest Nora Roberts book. It just seems like it was a useless day. I had so much at home that I could have accomplished. Oh well...

I did start my Grandmother's scarf last night. I finished the first section and hopefully I'll be able to move it along now that it is started.

Dinner is in the oven, leftover chicken casserole sent by mum. I didn't have lunch today so everything sounds really good right now. I'm very hungry. :-)

We had really heavy storms last night and all the leaves have now come off my trees. Guess that means I can clean the gutters now. I was waiting until they came off so I wouldn't have to do it again until spring. I also checked the garden to see how my fledgling plants survived. They seem to be fine. I have 10 garlic plants sprouting and my collards seem to be starting to grow, however, it seems something is eating my collards. I need to find out what it is and figure out how to stop them.

Time to check the laundry and the oven, then I'll probably hang around on the net for a little while and hopefully get back to knitting later.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

I am exhausted. It has been such a busy week and I am just not sleeping well at all, which makes things worse. I'm sitting here watching the Heels play basketball and I can barely hold my eyes open. Not because the game is boring, but because I am just wiped. I have NO energy!
I had hoped to get my Grandmother's scarf started this week, but I just haven't been able to get it done. At least there are only two more days to work this week and then I just have to work two days next week and I'll have a nice little break! Maybe I'll be able to get some sleep!

I checked my garden tonight before it got too dark and I have 9 garlic plants with shoots. I know I planted more than that, but I planted some later than others and maybe they just haven't come up yet. My collards look like they might be getting a little bigger, but they don't seem to have grown much. I am so looking forward to being able to harvest fresh garlic for use in my cooking. :-)

"T" apparently doesn't believe that it is over. He has been flirting a lot the last few days and keeps saying he is here to "tempt" me. It is amazing that I feel absolutely nothing when he says stuff like that. I used to just go blank and hang on his every word and now...nothing. I'm finally free. :-) I can't tell you how good it feels!

Alright, I should go and try to stay awake at least through the end of the game. I might try to get the stitches cast on for my Grandmother's scarf. Maybe if I can get that done, I'll be motivated to get working on it when I'm sitting here like this.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's been a pretty good weekend here in Aryland. :-) Yesterday I spent some time with my Mum and Grandmother and then went to a baby shower for a friend of mine. I just love this friend and think the world of her. I was able to have a good visit with her and more friends in our little group as well as her children. They are all sweet as can be.

Today was another day with Mum and Grandmother. Grandmother was in a good mood today and not very down on herself. I am currently watching the Steelers play against the New Orleans Saints. Steelers are just rockin right now. I'm absolutely thrilled with them. They really look good today. I am worried about two injuries, but hopefully they will get better soon.

Oh, while at the baby shower I spoke with my friend that owns the shop that sells my wreaths and she said she needs more! YAY!! I'm so happy to hear that! I was worried that they weren't doing well. She says the mini wreaths are selling very well and I will be making many more of those.

On the knitting side of things, I had decided not do knit anything else until I started a class, but when my Grandmother saw my halloween scarf she just loved it. I offered to make her one and she said it was too much trouble, but I told her it was good practice for me. So, I'll be making one that is red and black stripes like the halloween scarf, but it will be much smaller than that one.

So, tomorrow is a work holiday for me and I had big plans to work around the house and yard tomorrow since it wouldn't be raining. However, I now will have to work at least part of the day tomorrow. I'm pretty ill about it, but I don't seem to have a choice. I have to have some computers ready to deliver first thing on Tuesday and I'd rather go in tomorrow and make sure they are ready to go, than take a chance on it taking too long to get them ready on Tuesday morning. I wouldn't be ill, if the people that need the computers hadn't waited until 5:15 on Friday afternoon to tell me. I think that is just tacky. But, what can ya do.

So, I'm going to sit here and watch the rest of the game and work on laundry some more. I usually don't watch Extreme Home Makeover because it is just too emotional for me, but tonight they are making over a 135 yr old home and I would love to see what they do. I just hope they don't tear it down and build something new. That would really piss me off if it was my house. Anywho, maybe I'll try to cast on for Grandmother's scarf. I don't know. I may just sit here and vegetate. :-)



Friday, November 10, 2006

I finally did it...

I finally did it. I had come to the conclusion that I had put so much energy into my wants regarding "T" that it had taken on a life of it's own. It had been over four years since things started. But now they have ended. On Wednesday, I worked a spell using the powerful banishing and releasing time that it was and I now finally feel free. Yesterday I was able to say no to him for the first time in years and today I explained why I had said no. He seemed to understand and said that he thought it was for the best.

The important thing is that I feel free. I'm glad that it is over. I still care about him, but I don't feel as if I can't live without him.

So, I'm achieved a big step along my new path. I'm trying to clean out things in my life that I know are not working for me or that are hindering me in reaching my goals. I really think that ending the bad relationship was the biggest step. But I still have work to do.

Now I have to decide what to do about my job. I'm very frustrated by it and am feeling very disgruntled. I am not really sure just what to do, but I think the answer will come in time. It seems as though answers have been falling in my lap quite a bit lately.

I'll have to see where they lead.


Monday, November 06, 2006

Quiet lately...

I've been feeling rather quiet lately. I haven't really felt like blogging or even talking to anyone. I'm trying to make some decisions that will hopefully change my life and myself for the better and lead me to a better future. I may explain later, I don't know.

I had a very quiet Samhain. I had only 4 trick or treaters and then fell asleep in the chair before I could get my ritual started. So, no Samhain work for me. I've been very tired lately and falling asleep the minute I sit down, which leads to a messy house and no work done in the yard.

I raked leaves yesterday in the front yard and did a few other things in the yard. I hope to get the yard mowed today after work and that should just about do it for my having to mow again until spring.

I should get back to work now. Blessings,
