Thursday, September 28, 2006

Scarf progress...

Here is a picture of my progress on the halloween scarf. I think the colors show better in this picture than the other I have posted.

I'm very pleased with how it is going. I'm not really sure just how far along I am on it because I don't have any idea how long i want it to be. I've also been doing eye measurements on each section instead of actually measuring them. The last section of black that I did ended up being longer than the other sections have been. But I think it is still okay. It is just a little bigger and it still looks good. I just hope that I am able to finish it before halloween actually gets here. :-)

My health screening went about as I expected it to. I was absolutely starving by the time it was done and of course shoveled food in instead of taking my time and now I'm so full I can hardly stand it. I think my mum is coming over tonight to help me with an issue I'm having with a cc company. I'd like to get this resolved as I just don't have the patience to deal with them anymore, plus I really don't want them to keep putting bad things on my credit report.

Alright, I'm going to go do some work now. Toodles...



Unknown said...

the scarf looks great. I lovethe colors.

Ohjeeze said...

Cool scarf! You are right, the colors show up better in this pic, I thought before it was pink and black LOL. And I agree it is just fine to eye the lengths of the colors, it makes it look more handmade. If you want perfection, make it on a knitting machine or buy it from the store.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful scarf. I wish i could knit, well I did when I was younger and haven't picked it up since then, maybe I should because I LOVE that scarf!! I saw your comment on Crow Witch's blogspot. I hope you don't mind I took the time to peruse your blog.

Autumn Blessings!

Laura said...

Hi veleda, thanks for stopping by! Knitting scarves is very easy. I am anxious to learn something else. Come back anytime! Blessings